Senior iOS Debeloper

praca it: etat dla Ashton Hunter Ltd / Bristol, Wielka Brytania

Tagi: iOS Android Objective-C Java zagranica

Naszym klientem jest miedzynarodowa firma, z oddzialami w 15 krajach na swiecie. Firma ta dostarcza aplikacje mobilne dla restauracji i ich klientow. W zwiazku z ustawicznym rozwojem, do biura IT w Bristolu, UK, poszukujemy Senior iOS Developerow (lub Android- JAVA).

Warunkiem niezbednym jest komunikatywna znajomosc jezyka angielskiego, chec relokacji do UK (Bristol, biuro ulokowane w pieknej lokalizacji, nad samym kanalem, w okolicy Sealife, muzea, restauracje, teatry, Suspension Bridge). Szukamy takze osob, ktore samodzielnie testuja wlasne aplikacje.

Wynagrodzenie od £50k do £70k rocznie.

As a Senior iOS Developer you will be responsible for:

● The availability, security, scalability of our e-­commerce platform
● Delivering on quarterly OKR’s set for the consumer teams
● Track the progress that you are making towards the wider goals of your team, and transparently communicate that progress to your team and Technical Lead.
● Keep to the processes, standards and designs that your team has agreed upon.
● Contribute to the definition of product features, including in workshops with other engineering teams and Product Management.
● Collaborating with UX teams to turn mock­ups and design visions into reality.
● Communicate the technical work of your team to other engineering teams.
● Take responsibility for supporting your changes all the way through to proving that they work well – and continue to work well – in production.
● Creating and maintaining our open source iOS code
● Releasing new versions to the store (~4 weeks) and supporting those changes all the way through to operating successfully in customers’ hands.
● Reviewing and merging your teams pull requests, after those automated tests have passed
● Coming up with awesome ideas to implement in the app!
● Will become a trusted technical authority and specialist in one or more technical areas of your team. You’ll be someone the rest of the team and your Technical Manager can turn to for engineering advice and guidance.
● Collaborate with other engineering teams and use their feedback as a basis for improvements.
● Write technically sound, clean, maintainable code – with practical application of established patterns and practices.

You must have experience of:

● Objective­C
● Networking and integration with server side APIs
● Custom UI component creation
● Animations
● Deep understanding of caching and storage mechanisms suitable for iOS
● Integration and unit testing (KIF/XCTest or other frameworks)
● Continuous integration (teamcity)
● Core data
● Having a deep understanding of API design for efficiency, readability

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Opublikowana 2015-09-18
Wyświetlona: 3811 razy